How Many Sessions of Emsculpt NEO Do You Need to See Results?

Do you want to see quick results? Learn how many sessions of Emsculpt NEO you need for optimal results and how it can help you achieve a flatter stomach and toned arms, legs and buttocks.

How Many Sessions of Emsculpt NEO Do You Need to See Results?

Do you want to see quick results? With muscle mass, yes. In two to three sessions, you will feel a difference in the treated area and it is possible that you will also see visible changes (depending on the amount of fat in the area). If you have a layer of fat in your abdomen or arms, it can take two to three months for fat loss to be noticeable. It is important to remember that while your muscles improve quickly, it can take time to see a big difference due to slower fat loss.

We recommend that you check in with us before and after the procedure so you can see the progress for yourself.

Emsculpt NEO

uses advanced technology to emit HIFEM energy and RF energy with one applicator. A series of Emsculpt NEO treatments can increase muscle by up to 25% and reduce fat by up to 30%. Older patients benefit the most from this procedure as it strengthens their core.

During the procedure, you will feel your muscles contracting as the intensity of the treatment increases. As with the original treatment, Emsculpt NEO offers unprecedented muscle development using HIFEM energy. It is not recommended to use portable electronic devices near the applicator as it can damage them. The procedure feels like an intense workout for the muscles in the treated area.

While pain and discomfort vary from person to person, Emsculpt NEO usually involves minimal discomfort, if any. Keep reading to learn more about how many sessions are ideal for your circumstances. Emsculpt NEO can be combined with non-invasive fat loss procedures such as CoolSculpting and Kybella for added benefits. Many people report better results from Emsculpt NEO than their regular fitness routines.

It is very effective in building muscle and reducing fat (up to 25% increase in muscle mass and 30% fat reduction per treatment series) in the abdomen. Regardless of the recommended number of sessions, each session should be scheduled several days apart for optimal results. Most people who receive Emsculpt NEO do so for aesthetic reasons such as a flatter stomach and toned arms, legs and buttocks.

Gary Casoria
Gary Casoria

Incurable internet evangelist. Infuriatingly humble internet fanatic. Musicaholic. Extreme internet specialist. Typical social media lover. Proud social media guru.