The Revolutionary Emsculpt NEO Machine: What You Need to Know

Are you looking for a way to redefine your body without surgery, needles, or anesthesia? Look no further than the revolutionary Emsculpt NEO machine. This non-invasive body shaping treatment is the first of its kind to combine two types of body contouring in one 30

The Revolutionary Emsculpt NEO Machine: What You Need to Know

Are you looking for a way to redefine your body without surgery, needles, or anesthesia? Look no further than the revolutionary Emsculpt NEO machine. This non-invasive body shaping treatment is the first of its kind to combine two types of body contouring in one 30-minute procedure. It's scientifically proven to give you benefits for burning fat and building muscle without exercising. Emsculpt NEO is a type of body contouring procedure created by BTL Industries with no downtime, meaning that the recipient can continue their day as they normally would after treatment.

It uses a patented concept of simultaneous application of heat through radio frequency and high intensity magnetic field (HIFEM). This combination of energies stimulates deep muscle contraction that is not possible with exercise alone. Men with added fat mass and muscle loss can benefit from EMSculpt Neo treatments as they age to preserve their younger physique. In addition to providing aesthetic benefits, EmSculpt Neo can help with physical ailments such as urinary incontinence and pelvic floor strengthening.

As EmSculpt Neo has become an industry leader in combined fat reduction and muscle toning, it is ideal for patients who want to redefine their bodies with maximum efficiency. Patients who are naturally thinner can benefit from EMSculpt Neo, as the procedure helps build muscle by an average of 25 percent. EMSculpt Neo procedures cause muscle fibers to contract at intensities that cannot be achieved during a workout. People with a leaner physique can also use EmSculpt Neo to help build lean muscle mass, which helps the body burn more fat naturally by increasing metabolism.

EmSculpt Neo also improves your quality of life by strengthening hard-to-reach muscles, including those responsible for helping with bladder control. Fat loss is permanent and the procedure is non-invasive with zero recovery time. Recipients of EMSculpt Neo procedures will feel more confident in their skin by correcting problem areas better than with exercise and diet alone. To learn more about what the new Emsculpt Neo machine can do for your physique, schedule a free consultation with Dr.

Gary Casoria
Gary Casoria

Incurable internet evangelist. Infuriatingly humble internet fanatic. Musicaholic. Extreme internet specialist. Typical social media lover. Proud social media guru.