How Much Does an Emsculpt NEO Machine Cost?

The cost of an Emsculpt NEO machine depends on several factors including area to be treated, number of applicators used, and number of sessions required. Learn more about pricing and get a cost tailored to your needs.

How Much Does an Emsculpt NEO Machine Cost?

The cost of an Emsculpt NEO machine depends on a variety of factors, including the area to be treated, the number of applicators used, and the number of sessions required.

Emsculpt NEO

is a revolutionary technology that uses HI-EMT to directly stimulate motor neurons, making almost 100% of muscle fibers active. With regular sessions, people can expect to see improvement as core muscles gradually regain strength. Even the slimmest patients interested in muscle development can enjoy significant benefits from using Emsculpt Neo.

After the sessions are over, most patients experience mild muscle pain for a few days. Emsculpt NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that provides simultaneous fat removal and muscle development in a combined 30-minute session. It uses a patented concept of simultaneous application of heat through radio frequency and high intensity magnetic field (HIFEM). The EMSCULPT NEO machine with RF is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that combines 2 energies for simultaneous fat removal and muscle development in a 30-minute session.

The best way to understand pricing and get a cost of Emsculpt NEO tailored to your needs and budget is to schedule a free consultation. If they determine that you meet the requirements for treatment, a special Emsculpt NEO plan is created that fits your needs. Sperling points out that Emsculpt can certainly emphasize definition on its own, but that the best results will come from a combination of Emsculpt treatments, a healthy diet, and a consistent exercise regimen.

Gary Casoria
Gary Casoria

Incurable internet evangelist. Infuriatingly humble internet fanatic. Musicaholic. Extreme internet specialist. Typical social media lover. Proud social media guru.